tert butyl peroxy n-butanoate

Molecular formula

C8 H16 O3

Molecular weight / g mol-1


CAS number


Temperature dependance: at constant pressure

k(T)p/s-1 = A * exp(-Ea/R*T)


25,3 E14

Ea/kJ mol-1

144,8 ± 2,9

valid for temperature range / °C

145 - 180

determined at p/bar


Pressure dependance at constant temperature

(∂ln k/∂p)T = - ΔV/(R*T)

ΔV/cm3 mol-1

13,6 – 3,19 E-3 * p/bar

valid for pressure range / bar

200 - 2000

determined at T/°C


Temperature and pressure dependance

k(p,T)/s-1 = C1 * exp[-(C2 + {C3 -C4 p/bar}*p/bar)/(T/K)]


k(p,T)/s-1 = 2,78E15 * exp[-(17381 + {0,162 – 1,95E-5 * p/bar}*p/bar)/(T/K)]

valid for the temperature/°C and pressure/bar range

145 - 180 ; 200 - 2000

representing experimental data better than/%





Z. Phys. Chem., 214, 583-607 (2000)



IR spectrum (2600 – 1600 cm -1) 0.01 molar in n-heptane, n-heptane spectrum subtracted

Raman spectrum (1500 – 200 cm-1) 1 molar in n-heptane