
Signatur Autor Titel Jahr
1 Gerlach Experimentelle Grundlagen der Quantentheorie 1921
2 Bohr Abhandlungen über Atombau 1921
3 Perrin Die Atome 1923
4 Gerlach Materie, Elektrizität, Energie 1926
5 De Broglie Einführung in die Wellenmechanik 1929
11 Haas Materienwellen und Quantenmechanik 1930
12 Heisenberg Physikalische Prinzipien der Quantentheorie 1930
13 March Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik 1931
14 Pauling, Wilson Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1935
15 Jordan Anschauliche Quantentheorie 1936
16 Sommerfeld Atombau und Spektrallinien 1.Vol. 1924
17 Sommerfeld Atombau und Spektrallinien 2.Vol. 1939
18 Kemble Fundamental Principles of Quantum Mechanics 1937
19 Rojansky Introductory Quantum Mechanics 1938
21 Flügge Rechenmethoden der Quantentheorie 1947
22 Jellinek Weltsystem, Weltäther und die Relativitätstheorie 1949
26 Jellinek Verständliche Elemente der Wellenmechanik 1.Vol. 1950
27 Jellinek Verständliche Elemente der Wellenmechanik 2.Vol. 1950
28 Gombas Theorie und Lösungsmethoden des Mehrteilchenproblems der Wellenmechanik 1950
29 Landé Quantum Mechanics 1951
30 Slater Quantum Theory of Matter 1951
31 Hund Materie als Feld 1954
32 Heitler The Quantum Theory of Radiation 1954
33 Ludwig Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik 1954
34 Schiff Quantum Mechanics 1955
37 Dirac Quantum Mechanics 1957
38 Kockel Darstellungstheoretische Behandlung einfacher wellenmechanischer Probleme 1962
39 Rose Elementary Theory of Angular Momentum 1957
40 Döring Einführung in die Quantenmechanik 1955
41 Neumann Mathematical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics 1955
42 Fano, Racah Irreducible Tensorial Sets 1956
43 Edmeonds Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics 1957
44 Ter Haar Introduction to Physics of Many-Body Systems 1958
45 Dewitt, Nzieres The Many Body Problem 1959
46 Wigner Group Theory and its Application to Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra 1959
47 Houston Principles Quantum Mechanics 1959
51 von Kampen International Congress on Many-Particle Problems 1960
52 Kotani, Tomonaga Supplement of Progress of Theoretical Physics 1960
53 Pines The Many-Body Problem 1961
54 Goldmann, Krivchenkov Problems in quantum Mechanics 1961
55 Bates Quantum Theory: Elements 1.Vol. 1961
56 Bates Quantum Theory: Aggregates of Particles 1961
57 Bates Quantum Theory: Radiation and High Energy Physics 1961
58 Pines Problems in Quantum Theory of Many-Particle 1961
59 Heitler Elementare Wellenmechanik mit Anwendung auf die Quantenchemie 1961
60 Hund Theorie des Aufbaues der Materie 1961
61 Messiah Quantum Mechanics I 1961
62 Caianiello Lectures on Field Theory and the Many-Body Problem 1961
64 Yutsis, Levinson, Vanagas Theory of Angular Momentum 1962
65 Kumar Perturbation Theory and Nuclear Many Body 1962
67 Henley, Thirring Elementary Quantum Field Theory 1962
68 Hamermesh Group Theory and its Application to Chemical Problems 1962
69 Messiah Quantum Mechanics 2.Vol. 1962
70a Tomonaga Quantum Mechanics 1.Vol. 1962
70b Tomonaga Quantum Mechanics 2.Vol. 1966
71 Heading Introduction to Phase-Integral Methods 1962
72 Fronsdal The Many-Body Problem 1962
73 Caianiello Lectures on the Many-Body Problem 1.Vol. 1962
75 Blochinzew Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik 1963
76 Goldman-Kriwtschenkow Aufgabensammlung zur Quantenmechanik 1963
77 Kahan Quantentheorie 1963
78 Raimes Wave Mechanics of Electrons in Metals 1963
79 Nielson, Koster Spectroscopic Coefficients 1963
80 Casimir On the Interaction between Atomic Nuclei and Electrons 1963
81 Kittel Quantum Theory of Solids 1963
82 Heber, Weber Grundlagen der Modernen quantenphysik 2.Vol. 1963
83 Percus The Many-Body Problem 1963
84 Brout, Carruthers Lectures on the Many-Electron Problem 1963
85 Mackey Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 1963
86 Caianiello Lectures on the Many-Body Problem 1964
87 Hochstrasser Behaviour of Electrons in Atoms 1964
88 Sokolow, Loskutow, Ternow Quantenmechanik 1964
89 Schweber Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Field Theory 1964
90 Nozières Theory of Interacting Fermi Systems 1964
91 Weyl The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics 1964
92a Ruark, Urey Atoms, Molecules and Quanta 1.Vol. 1964
92b Ruark, Urey Atoms, Molecules and Quanta 2.Vol. 1964
93 Bethe Intermediate Quantum Mechanics 1964
94 ter Haar Selected Problems in Quantum Mechanics 1964
95 Tinkham Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics 1964
96 Trigg Quantum Mechanics 1964
99 Hameka Advanced Quantum Chemistry JAHR
99 Biedenharn Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum 1965
100 Fröman, Fröman JWKB Approximation 1965
101 Wilcox Perturbation Theory Application in Quantum Mechanics 1965
102 Harrison Pseudopotentials in the Theory of Metals 1966
103 Green Quantenmechanik in algebraischer Darstellung 1966
104 Rowlatt Group Theory and Elementary Particles 1966
106 Bjorken, Drell Relativistic Quantum Mechanics 1964
107 Pilar Elementary Quantum Chemistry 1968
108 Waerden Sources of Quantum Mechanics 1967
109 Dawydow Quantenmechanik 1967
110 Jansen, Boon Theory of Finite Groups Application in Physics 1967
111 March, Young, Sampanthar The Many-Body Problem in Quantum Mechanics 1967
113 Jauch Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 1968
114 Brink, Satchler Angular Momentum 1968
115 Levine Quantum Mechanics of Molecular Rate Processes 1969
116 McWeeny, Sutcliffe Methods of Molecular Mechanics 1969
117 Petraschen, Trifinow Anwendung der Gruppentheorie in der Quantenmechanik 1969
118 Ziman Elements of Advanced Quantum Theory 1969
119 Jordan Linear Operators for Quantum Mechanics 1969
120a Flügge Practical Quantum Mechanics 1.Vol. 1971
120b Flügge Practical Quantum Mechanics 2.Vol. 1971
121 Mitter Quantentheory BI 701/701a 1969
123 Bastin Quantum Theory and Beyond 1971
124 Simon Quantum Mechanics for Hamiltonians Defined as Quadratic Forms 1971
125 Fick Einführung in die Grundlagen der Quantentheorie 1972
126 Haken Quantenfeldtheorie des Festkörpers 1972
127 Raimes Many Electron Theory 1972
128 Baumgärtel Endlich-dimensionale analytische Störungstheorie 1972
129 Englefield Group Theory and the Coulomb Problem 1972
130 Moss Advances Molecular Quantum Mechanics 1973
131 Jörgens, Weidmann Lecture Notes in Mathematics Spectral Properties of Hamiltonian Operators 1973
132 Fetter, Walecka Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems 1971
135 Sakurai Advances Quantum Mechanics 1978
136 Thirring Lehrbuch der Mathematischen Physik 1980
137 Zare Angular Momentum 1988
138 Achieser Theorie der linearen Operatoren im Hilbert-Raum 1968
139 Simon, Barry Quantum Mechanics for Hamiltonians Defined as Quadratic Forms 1971
140 Kahan, Theo Quanten Theorie 1963

Erstellt am: 27.06.98